Encounter Nights/ Elohai Ministries  and The Hosting Church
will not be responible for anything that happens to anyone in the physical and spiritual nature. 

Between Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteer team and Person Receiving inner Healing/Deliverance/Prayer (Releasor)
This General Release Agreement and Waiver of Claims is made and entered into this day of you enter the doors of the event.
WHEREAS, Releasor desires to have Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers minister to Releasor with a spiritual evaluation, inner spiritual healing, and/or deliverance/prayer (hereafter known as Releasor from any evil spirits or demons or any unwelcome and uninvited presence; and
WHEREAS, Releasor acknowledges certain risks associated with this procedure including mental, physical, emotional and spiritual hazards; and
WHEREAS, Releasor acknowledges that during this time Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers may have to physically restrain Releasor to protect both Releasor and Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers,
WHEREAS, Releasor is over the age of eighteen and mentally competent, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, which each of the parties acknowledge as adequate and sufficient, the parties hereto agree as follows:
WHEREAS, Releasor is solely responsible for their children in agreement with ALL terms of this Waiver.
1. Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers agree to perform a Spiritual evaluation, inner spiritual healing, and/or deliverance/prayer that Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers makes no claims as to the results of the procedure due to the many and variable emotional, circumstantial, and spiritual factors involved.
2. Releasor, for himself, herself, his/her heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns hereby irrevocably waives, releases, discharges, indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers, its officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, affiliated entities, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all actions, causes of action, suits, claims, damages, demands and liabilities of whatever nature, at law or in equity, now or hereafter existing, for any reason whatsoever, having and costs incurred by Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers in the defense of such actions.
3. Releasor, for himself, herself, his/her heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns hereby irrevocably waives, releases, discharges, indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers, its officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, affiliated entities, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all actions, causes of action, suits, claims, damages, demands and liabilities of whatever nature, at law or in equity, now or hereafter existing, for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, personal injury, death and loss or damage to property arising out of or costs incurred by Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers in the defense of such actions.
4. Releasor acknowledges that Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers by performing the procedure, Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers desires to free those in bondage to Satan. Any gifts provided by Releasor to Elohai and McMinnville Discipleship Center, et al. staff and volunteers shall be used Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers to spiritually assist other persons in the ministry goals.
5. Releasor agrees to be filmed or otherwise recorded on audio and video tape if both parties agree. Reasonable requests by the releaser will be considered as to how the releaser will be portrayed, but releasor will have no control over content of the final editing process. Releasor agrees to allow his/her appearance to be used in promotion of any final product of such video- permission applies to all forms of audio/visual products, including but not limited to television, DVDs, Internet, and film productions. 6. These terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their heirs, successors and assigns and shall be governed by Tennessee laws without regard to conflict of law principles.
7. Unless certain exceptions are so stated in writing, Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al. staff and volunteers and Releasor agree that neither party shall divulge, disclose, publicize or, in any manner, make reference to this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement, the fact that any claims were made, or any of the specific allegations of the claims, except as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, a party to this Agreement may disclose the terms of this Agreement, or the circumstances or events leading up to this Agreement, if required to do so by law.
8. Any controversy arising from this Agreement will be conclusively determined by arbitration of the board of Encounter Nights Team/ Elohai Ministries, et al..
9. The Releasing Party acknowledges that he/she is entering into Agreement freely and voluntarily, with full knowledge and understanding of all of its terms if he/she decides to participate or view the events in person.
10. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous discussions or agreements.. If any court rules that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, that ruling shall not affect the validity or enforcing of any other provision of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by the attendance of both parties