Servant Team

Would you like to help out in stocking food, drinks, coffee, greeting, cleanup, etc?

Fill out the contact form below to get involved.

Worship Team

Are you a Spirit Filled Worship Leader or worship team member and would like to be part of the Encounter Nights worship team? 

Do you have a heart to pour out to the Lord rather than perform? Are you up to being used by the Lord for countless hours? 

Fill out the contact form below to get involved.

Prayer And Deliverance Team

Do you have a desire to be part of the Prayer and Deliverance Team?  Would you commit to weekly deliverance training and be willing to go through deliverance yourself?

*Interview and Committment is required

Fill out the contact form below to get involved. 

We do not officially take up a offering at our events but there are always some minor expenses. 

Financial Partner or Sponsorship

Would you like to get involved by becoming a one time or a recurring financial partner?  Click Below

Get Involved!

We will be in contact with you soon.

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Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 72 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!